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Spannhulse H 317

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Spannhulse H 317

Dimensions ;

d1 = 75 mm.
D = 110 mm.
L = 63 mm.
C = 18 mm.

Adapter sleeves are the most commonly used components for locating bearings with a tapered bore onto a cylindrical seat as they can be used on smooth or stepped shafts. They are easy to mount and require no additional location on the shaft. When adapter sleeves are used on smooth shafts, the bearing can be located at any position on the shaft. When used on stepped shafts, together with abutment ring, bearings can be accurately positioned axially and bearing dismounting is also facilitated.

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager

zzgl. Steuern: 37,30 € Inkl. Steuern: 45,13 €
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Spannhulse H 317 Dimensions ; d1 = 75 mm. D = 110 mm. L = 63 mm. C = 18 mm. Adapter sleeves are the most commonly used components for locating bearings with a tapered bore onto a cylindrical seat as they can be used on smooth or stepped shafts. They are easy to mount and require no additional location on the shaft. When adapter sleeves are used on smooth shafts, the bearing can be located at any position on the shaft. When used on stepped shafts, together with abutment ring, bearings can be accurately positioned axially and bearing dismounting is also facilitated.



Sonderpreis Nein
Special Price From Date 30.11.2000


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